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Kurt Vonnegut, Noam Chomsky, Jane Goodall, Walter Cronkite, Daniel Libeskind and...Lizzie Grubman? Believe it, children: They're all featured in Forbes's special report on "communicating," and no one knows how to communicate better (from behind the wheel of a Mercedes SUV, anyhow) than PR Power Girl Lizzie Grubman.

In the enlightening, 2-paragraph examination, we learn that Grubman is always plugged in with no less than 38 mobile communications devices at any time, but she draws the line at camera phones, calling them "disgusting" and a "complete invasion of privacy." Her pink crystal-encrusted Sidekick, however, is "adorable" and "totally the perfect accessory."

Special Report: Communicating [Forbes]
Lizzie Grubman on Being Plugged In [Forbes]