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Even heavy with improbably conceived child and under the relentless questioning of Today's Maria Menounos, Katie Holmes demonstrates an impressive ability to stay on-message [bold ours]:

Katie Holmes: We're so excited. Maria Menounos: Tell me like what it’s like: You're pregnant [and] you are marrying the man you've always dreamed of.
Holmes: I know.
Menounos: It's such a story book.
Holmes: It's amazing. I'm so happy, it's a dream come true. I feel great. I'm beaming and … I'm so excited. [...]
Menounos: Have you guys started putting wedding plans together yet?
Holmes: We are. We don't have a date just yet, but there is so much excitement going on. It's just amazing.
Menounos: It's your first wedding. I can imagine it's going to be the biggest wedding ever.
Holmes: It's exciting. We don't know yet but we are thrilled.
Menounos: What's Tom saying?
Holmes: He's thrilled.

We haven't gone through the archives to do a thorough check, but we think "thrilled" is a new addition to Holmes' post-hypnotic talking points. It's crucial to mix things up a bit to keep a fake relationship fresh. Otherwise, lugging around a Miracle Baby in your womb until the Mission: Impossible 3 premiere would start to feel like any other job.