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In the name of service journalism, a reader writes:

You'd think the days of samples died with "New Jack City," but I was standing outside of North Six last night after the Soldiers of Fortune show let out, talking to some friends, when three young guys roll up. One of them handed me a glassine baggie containing a small amount of "Edgar Winter" and a phone number wrapped around it. Not sure what the deal was, or if there was really that much competition that dudes gotta break out with freebies, but there you go.

This is fantastic! We've been waiting, to no avail, for the rumored price drop — but apparently our dealer doesn't read the UN World Drug Report.

It's time for a Gawker Class Project: Are the only freebies in Williamsburg? Know of a kind soul willing to let a potential customer have a sample of the product? Let us know, and we'll selflessly spread the word. Because we love you, and we want you stay up all night with us.