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Because the Times Co. can't seem to do much of anything these days without some degree of agitation, there's more building babel around the new headquarters currently growing upwards into the Manhattan skyline. 10 of the 11 former property owners who were pushed aside to make room for the new HQ are now suing for further compensation. Even more bothersome is that should these small-business Davids prove victorious against the development Goliaths, they'll take their winnings from the city and state treasuries.

Times spokesbot Catherine Mathis, however, isn't getting worked up. Even if the small businesses do win some public cash, it'll be worth it in the end, as the Times building will "provide amenities to the public."

Sweet. We can only imagine, with further depletion of city and state funds, what sort of public amenities the Times might provide. Hobo blankets, perhaps?

As New HQ Rises, Old Owners Cause Trouble Underfoot [NYO]