Reader Mail: Somebody's Been Workshopping His Frustrated Emails

This angry and bitter message just arrived from a University of Iowa email account:
I live in Iowa City, and for some reason which baffles everyone on campus, a huge New Yorker contingent descended into our little midwestern hamlet this week. We got Sasha Frere-Jones, we got Lorrie Moore, we got Robert Mankoff, we got Seymour Hersh, we got Ben Freeman, and we're confused.
It's this New Yorker College Tour thing, which doesn't really seem like a tour at all, considering the only stops are here at the University of Iowa, and the University of Washington in Seattle....
What I want to know is, what the fuck are these hipster cocksucker literati types doing in my red state? What is possibly the impetus for this two (random) school tour? I'm confused, Gawker, and I need some smarm medicine to help figure this out.
An Iowa student angry at The New Yorker? One who writes a nicely composed, well-vocabularied, pleasantly rhythmic few paragraphs?
Oh, it's so sad when those Writers' Workshop kids lash out over their rejection letters.