• Ahh, Saved by the Bell: that iconic showcase of bad 80s fashion that paved the way for Mario Lopez to star in a series of successively bad talk shows, for Mark-Paul Gosselaar to be the subject of endless internet speculation as to whether or not he died in a car accident, and for Elizabeth Berkley to star in, well, the most unintentionally funny movie ever released about a whore. All of which leads us to the Apocalypse Lounge, which hosts "Bayside! The Un-Musical" tonight. Don't forget to bring your Hot Sundae cassette tapes for an autograph. [Upcoming]
• A murdered socialite narrates Amy Tan's new novel, in which a group of the woman's friends get lost in the jungle of a war-torn Southeast Asian country. See? Not all chick lit involves pointy shoes and benevolent fag hags. Just most of it. [TONY]
• 60 minutes of cool commercials, cool music videos, and cool Djs at The Newspace's presentation of Onescreen tonight. Should be...cool? [flavorpill]