As if being the nation's most visible weatherman, writing cutesy tomes on the quirks of life and barbeque, acting as posterboy for the wonders of gastric bypass surgery, and maintaining a high-concept website weren't responsibility enough, Al Roker is now seeking further professional fulfillment. Roker's production company is making a dog reality show, in which cameras will "catch" dogs misbehaving, only to have celebrity dog-trainer Tamar Geller will step in to save the day. Sigh. Seeming to be a genuinely kind man, we feel a bit badly for Al, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions:

"A former Israeli intelligence officer, Tamar will show us how to make the most of our loving relationship with dogs," Roker said. "And if you do not watch the show, she knows 17 different ways to kill you with a paper clip. That's television!"

Yes, Al, that's television! And the sound of your brain being decimated with that very paper clip!

Roker Peddles Dog Reality TV Program [AP]