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Not to say we told you so, but here's what was posted on Mediabistro this morning:

Mediabistro Editor-in-Chief Steps Down
October 16, 2005

After a year that included the successful redesign of the homepage and the launch of five new weblogs, editor in chief Elizabeth Spiers is leaving her post to finish a novel and to write as a freelance journalist. "My time at mediabistro has been great and I'm very proud of what we've been able to achieve in these twelve months," said Spiers. "I know the site will continue to flourish as a must-read destination for media professionals." Spiers' resignation is effective November 1.

"We're all going to miss Elizabeth. mediabistro has grown tremendously during her tenure here. I've always been particularly appreciative of her writing abilities, and I think it's pretty obvious that she's going to find a lot of success in her writing endeavors," said's publisher, Kyle Crafton. No successor has been named, but Spiers' immediate responsibilities will be assumed by mediabistro Associate Editor Aileen Gallagher while the company searches for a full-time replacement.

For Elizabeth's sake — or, really, for her landlord's — we just hope she finalizes that book deal, stat, if she hasn't already (and we suspect she has). Congrats on getting out, and, perhaps, even bigger congrats on the sale.

As for Aileen, well, our prayers are with you.

[A soupçon of disclosure: Oxfeld once quit Mediabistro. Spiers once quit Gawker. And Coen has a really bad cold.]

Mediabistro Editor-in-Chief Steps Down [MB]