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For a piece about literary feuds among not-famous authors, one that takes place primarily on blogs even, Salon knows how to keep our interest:

Whether he knew it or not — chances are not — he was toting around a whole scrotum full of fantasies.
Sarvas couldn't have known this, but my response to this entry was a distinct sense of arousal ... thinking about him typing those words ... assfucking and facials ... with his actual fingers ... we wondered what Sarvas might have been wearing when he posted ... was he dressed in a leather jacket? ... maybe nothing but a leather jacket ... might he be whispering my name? ... through clenched molars? ... we were trembling ... yes, trembling ... entry ... the very word dripped ... assfucking ... entry ... We're scarcely prudes ... was Sarvas trying to tell us something? ... we tried to keep from touching ourselves ... honestly, we did ... alas, it was to no avail ...

Ok, which ones of you knew this shit was going down on literary blogs and didn't tell us?

Also, the blog hate-as-schoolyard crush thing is true, and we totally want to have STAB BABIES with Judy Miller.

The Blogger Who Loathed Me [Salon]