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· Why is everyone suddenly ganging up on America's Sweetheart, Paris Hilton? Ex-fiancé Paris Latsis' pal is calling her a "hooker," while mean boys Don Cheadle and Ryan Gosling sneer that Hilton wouldn't have much fun partying in Darfur.
· A new study determined that even males under 25, who generally will watch anything, wouldn't go see this summer's shitty movies.
· Even we were surprised by the outcome of the latest Celebrity Vs.Thing standoff, Ryan Reynolds vs. Wine Stoppers. The results are even more unbelievable when you consider that abs were not mentioned.
· It seems obvious to us, but don't you think that by now Boy George should know to hide the 13 bags of coke before calling the cops to report a burglary? Perhaps even more embarrassing than this rookie mistake is his lawyer's "That must be somebody else's 13 bags of coke!" defense.