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Kurt Andersen on NBC President Jeff Zucker last week:

Zucker does not seem like someone in danger of getting sacked anytime soon

Andersen may not be at the top of his game, prognostication-wise. A piece by John Cook in the upcoming Radar details just how dissatisfied GE is with their former boy wonder, responsible recently for screwing up the "Today Show" and "emasculating" the news division with his messy forcing out of Neal Shapiro. The fall schedule isn't impressing anyone and rumor has it even sweet li'l Katie Couric is souring on him. According to "an analyst," GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt has "got a silver bullet with Zucker s name on it."

On the bright side: according to Zucker, as quoted in the piece, we can all soon look forward to a couple more nights of "Dateline" every week.

The Rise and Rise of Jeff Zucker [NYM]