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Attention prospective gentleman callers on Ms. Lauren Green: Contrary to popular belief, the Fox & Friends anchor ain't a lez. What a shame, too, because when lilywhite FOX correspondent James Rosen gushingly tried to play matchmaker with Green and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, we saw UPN midseason replacement written all over that thing. Alas, not all urbane, black conservative women are chowing one another's boxes:

Returning to her main beef [about the report that the two women were being set up], Green complained, "Nobody asked me. What bothers me in the Rush and Molloy piece is they called a booker for the network, who said, 'I don't know' [when asked about Green's sexuality.] "They didn't try. There's no message on my phone, no message at Fox, no message to my agent, no note in my e-mail. Anybody can figure out my e-mail. These people could have found Arafat in Turkey when he was alive, and they can't find me here."

Added Green, "All Christian men, single and over 35 can apply," thus pushing most Daily Newsmen even further from this story than they already were.

Fox Anchor Not Hot For Condi, She Says [StarTrib]

Earlier: Where's a Real Spokesperson When You Need One?