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Holy shit, did you hear? Publishers are "confident," perhaps with no good reason whatsoever! To wit: Hearst and Conde Nast have given the big, gay green light to two test titles, Weekend and Men's Vogue, respectively, which are soon to be regular fixtures in your monthly newsstand scowlathon.

After fivetwo test issues (five?! huh?!), Hearst's Weekend will be published in 2006 (initial circulation: 300,000, because anything less is really more of a Bank Holiday). Meanwhile, the Conde Nasties have decided to stick with the relaxed gay comfort of Men's Vogue, much to the relief of musk-drenched, brooding "George Clooney types everywhere."

Look, if you've been aching to walk that fine line between GQ and Details, there's always Men's Health. And if you need more than five Weekends out of the year to improve your lifestyle, it's probably not worth living anyway.

Hearst, Conde Nast to Launch New Magazines [AdAge]