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Any day now we're gonna see that full, thorough, public Times report about Judith Miller and her testimony. Remember that? Douglas Jehl and/or Adam Liptak reporting it... this week, or this weekend... well, not so much. Per the very last two paragraphs of this Times story:

Bill Keller, the executive editor of The Times, said Ms. Miller had been cautioned by her lawyers not to discuss the substance of her grand jury testimony until Mr. Fitzgerald finished questioning her.

"We have launched a vigorous reporting effort that I hope will answer outstanding questions about Judy's part in this drama," Mr. Keller said. "This development may slow things down a little, but we owe our readers as full a story as we can tell, as soon as we can tell it."

You're gonna have to hold your horses, people. Everyone wants a piece of Judy. In fact, she's been advised by her lawyer not to discuss her testimony until the check from Simon and Schuster clears — but she'll be more than happy to receive a warm tongue bath from sympathetic cable news anchors or discuss her long, email-less 85-day nightmare over drinks at Balthazar in the meantime. Because the public has a right to know how boring jail is.

Rove Ordered to Talk Again in Leak Inquiry [NYT]
Prosecutor 'Not Finished' With Judith Miller Yet [E&P]