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The Post reports:

Two men were shot after resisting a robbery early yesterday near the Prospect Park Zoo.

The wounded victims, aged 28 and 29, whose names were not released, were hanging out in the Brooklyn park at about 5:30 a.m.

Sad story, of course. But who "hangs out" in Prospect Park at 5:30 a.m.? Oh...

Two men were shot and robbed by a gunman clad in dark clothes early yesterday morning in a gay meeting spot in Prospect Park, police said.
The men were engaged in a sex act when the trigger-happy thug pounced on them in the wooded Vale of Cashmere, a gay hangout dubbed Boys' Town, police sources said.

See, now that's tabloid journalism.

Frankly, Post, we're disappointed again. I mean, "hanging out." Come on! Come back to us, Lachlan! All is forgiven!

2 Men Shot in Prospect Park [NYP]
2 gays shot in Prospect Park [NYDN]