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So, word on the street is that Gawker alum and current Mediabistro EIC Elizabeth Spiers has finally roused from her 100-year slumber and is shopping around her completed manuscript. The book, a novel with roots in Spiers' former life in finance, is up for auction, and we hear that wizard-like agent David Kuhn (who scored Dana Vachon's sick, sick book deal) even offered to adopt Spiers just long enough to broker the deal. Makes sense: Spiers is talented enough, honestly, to bring in the big dogs. Our heroine, however, is a woman of principle — perhaps too much so? — and thus declined, staying loyal to her agent-to-the-blogstars, Kate Lee. Excuse us while we go rent Beaches.

If the book fetches anywhere near six figures, the chattering classes seem to believe Spiers will flee Mediabistro quicker than you can say "fishbowl." Or will the 'bistro beat her to it? Sources at Mediabistro declined comment but, whether the book sells now or later (though the auction is nearing its end), we've been hearing rumblings within Laurel Touby's tower that Spiers' time at the company has not gone as expected. If this is the case, an immediate book sale would spare everyone a lot of bloodshed — and we'd hate to see any blood splattered on Laurel's funky glasses.