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· We have no idea who Chris Cagle is, but through the magic of public statements, we now know that someone else knocked up his wife girlfriend. In case he doesn't know who the real father is, we think we can safely eliminate Kenny Chesney.
· You'll get no argument from us: Kal-el Cage is a pretty stupid name for a baby. On the bright side, at least Nic Cage wasn't crazy enough to reach into his past and name the little bugger "Osweepay." [Thanks to everyone who reminded us about that.]
· Sayeth new SAG head Alan Rosenberg, all but signing a fat campaign contribution check over to The Benator: "'We're Americans, and if we don't speak out, who will?' he says. 'If anyone puts a microphone in front of my face and asks about the war in Iraq, it's my obligation to speak out and say we're in deep trouble. I have more faith in what an actor has to say, if they're well informed, than any politician.'"
· What are the odds that Oprah hold off celebrity Scientologists' all-out recruitment drive? Oddjack investigates, sort of.