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Warning: Reading Village Voice gossipfly Michael Musto's latest column may cause blind item seizures. As he is wont to do, Musto decides to unload nine whodunnits in a single column, leaving us feeling as bewildered as a wet kitten. Most of them are insanely obscure, but we thought we'd throw this sampling out for consumption, confident that you are, of course, much more intelligent than we could ever be:

• What I'll-fuck-anything-hot actress certainly did so years ago when she was seen lesbianically canoodling with that sexy Eurasian model?
• What British daughter used to do coke with that ever snortin' mannequin?
• What newlywed also seems to have an eye for the ladies?
• What power figure has a new girlfriend, to the consternation of wifey, who thinks if it blows up it could ruin her grander chances?

Send us your guesses (or, if possible, post them in the comments) — no matter how inane, 'cause these items are cracky — and we'll run them at the end of the day. May the wisdom of the masses dictate reality.

La Dolce Musto [VV]