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Now that Times reporter Judith Miller has finally agreed to testify regarding the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity, the national celebration of Miller's "hard-won" freedom can begin. A Gawker spy on the left coast sends word:

On November Friday, 18th, the YWCA OF GREATER LOS ANGELES is honoring our wonderful....JUDY MILLER...with their 2005 SOROMUNDI (SISTERS OF THE WORLD) award.

Eh, probably not quite the level of awesome Judy was expecting, but whatever. Read on for more details on this sycophantic celebration, in which Miller will be awarded a Humanitarian Prize. Seriously. It's amazing what 12 weeks in the slammer can do.

We are an accomplished group of women, but few stand out as much as Judy, especially in her role as Vice-president and Director, Humanitarian Prize of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. It is thru Judy that we were introduced to Molly Melching, founder of "Tostan" in Senegal amongst others.

Barbara Casey has put together a table and Ann Reiss Lane, Diane Wittenberg, Elizabeth "Betsy" Haley, Claire Rothman (with Ed, of course) and I are putting together another...the more tables the merrier.

I've known Judy for over 20 years and never recalled her agreeing to being honored before...and knowing the YWCA'S CREDO OF "ELIMINATING RACISM AND EMPOWERING WOMEN"...this shows how important she considers the Y... it reflects so well her work.

The event is at the Millennium Biltmore. 6:30 Reception and 8:00p Dinner. The cost per person is $250.00. I will be glad to accept your individual checks made out to the YWCA OF GREATER LOS ANGELES.

Give me a call on my cell at 562-xxx-xxxx or e-mail me at if you would like to join us in honoring Judy.