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Not content to attempt the trashy fission of traditional nuclear families (both black and white), producers of The Simple Life are extending their offer of refreshingly progressive exploitation to same-sex partners looking for a quick payday and the opportunity to watch their love die in prime-time. A Defamer operative forwards us this (slightly edited) casting call e-mail:

The Simple Life is in need of a lesbian family in LA County. Age is not an issue, although preferably the children are not infants. 2 Day commitment for $2500! Paris and Nicole-LIVING IN YOUR HOUSE, LADIES!

We need to find families ASAP, so please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested.

You know what? The new concept needs a little tweaking. Here's a freebie for Fox: After Paris and Nicole have spent a day immersed in the dual-mommy household, they should choose one of the lucky ladies for a complete surgical makeover, then have the partners compete in an impromptu beauty pagaent. The winner gets ten minutes in the closet with bi-curious Paris, and the loser has to go on a scavenger hunt to find the secondary sex characteristics Nicole Richie lost after embarking on her extreme diet. That's a lot for two days, we know, but we're in the business of making hits, not the logistics business.