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So, uh, what the hell is going on over at Jane? Okay, what with Hurricane Zed and DeLay being indicted and Britney's new baby, we're sure the state of affairs at the girly mag is hardly at the top of your mind. But maybe it should be! After all, Keith "Mad Dog" Kelly confirmed our earlier report that since Jane Pratt stepped down from the helm at her semi-glossy brainchild, the Fairchild title has been melting off its staff like the fat on Star Jones. Speaking from Milan, new Jane EIC Brandon Holley comments that the recent departures (including managing editor Debbie McHugh) are normal for any regime change, and notes that new editors have already signed on.

But these editorial ebbs and flows are hardly our chief concern. What we're worked up about is the November cover, the first under Holley, which reportedly sports a "neon logo." Neon? Ugh, bag your face. That is so not Jane.

Jane Editors Jump Ship [NYP]
Earlier: Brandon Holley Gives 'Jane' Staff a Make-Under