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Unsurprisingly, it turns out it wasn't so much the baby Jesus's intervention that saved the God-loving hostage who talked the Atlanta courthouse killer into releasing her.

Actually, that's not quite fair. It was indeed partially the baby Jesus. But the safe resolution of the crisis can also be credited, according to hostage and rehab flunker Ashley Smith's new book, to her other mononymed friend, Tina.

Seems gunman Brian Nichols was jonesing for some pot. But Ashley didn't have any, so she dug into her crystal meth stash instead. But now, she says, she's clean:

"If I did die, I wasn't going to heaven and say, 'Oh, excuse me, God. Let me wipe my nose, because I just did some drugs before I got here,'" Smith told the Augusta Chronicle.

We expect to start seeing that quote on bus shelters in Chelsea imminently.

Smith Gave Alleged Courthouse Shooter Drugs [CNN]