• The creative minds behind The Daily Show screen a bunch of short films they made on topics as diverse as zombies in America, chainsaw-wielding maniacs, and the desperado lifestyle at the IFC Center. There will be a cocktail reception with the filmmakers themselves before the show, in case you like your movies viewed while drunk. We certainly do. [flavorpill]
• A magician, an erotic folksinger, and a naked guy with a fishbowl on his head, a prosthetic leg, and a cod-piece covering his genitalia are all part of "The Jonathan Ames Show," which debuts at Mo Pitkin's tonight at 8:30pm. The show s namesake is also featured prominently, which no longer goes without saying in matters concerning post-modern performance art. [JonathanAmes]
• Bad roommates, like bloggers, generally practice poor hygiene, are prone to erratic behavior and wild mood swings, often smell, rarely leave their apartments, and have poor interpersonal skills. Which is why the topic of this month's WYSIWYG blogger gabfest— The World's Worst Roommate — is so fitting. Write what you know, as they say. [Upcoming]