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There's a major reorganization afoot today in Newhouseland — one that, best we can tell, doesn't really change much of anything.

See, it used to be that the Newhouses owned a bunch of different magazine companies: Conde Nast, which published all your favorites; Fairchild, which published some of your faves, plus fashion B2Bs; and the Golf Digest Group, which published golf magazines. This made headline-writing occasionally difficult, as you couldn't technically refer to, say, GQ and Details as both Conde magazines.

But things are changing. Now they'll all be one company, Conde Nast Publications — with seven divisions, including Conde Nast magazines, Fairchild Publications, Golf Digest Publications. We imagine this creates some accounting and backend efficiencies for the company, and it entails some titular promotions and real-estate moves.

Mostly, though, we imagine it starts to remove the Fairchild-not-Conde stigma. (Speaking of which: What about this line in the memo: "The four Manhattan locations will be 750 Third Avenue, 1166 Sixth Avenue, 1440 Broadway and 4 Times Square"? Is Fairchild losing its 34th Street building?Yes, Fairchild is moving. But that's been planned for a while.)

And, of course, it makes life easier for the headline writers. And for us. Which is always good.

The full memo from Chuck Townsend is after the jump.

From: Townsend, Chuck
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 11:48 AM
To: Conde Nast Publications-All; CondeNet-All; Fairchild Publications-All; Golf Digest Companies-All; Advance Magazine Group-All
Subject: Cond Nast Publications Reorganizes

We have reached a point in the growth of our business where it makes good sense to operate as one consolidated company, Cond Nast Publications.

The combined operations will include seven divisions: Cond Nast magazines, the new Cond Nast Business Magazine division, Fairchild Publications, Golf Digest Publications, the Cond Nast Media Group, Cond Net and the Cond Nast Shared Services Centers.

Effective immediately, Mary Berner and Mitch Fox will become officers of Cond Nast Publications. Mary will be President of the Fairchild division, and Mitch will be President of the Golf Digest division. They join David Carey, recently named President of the Cond Nast Business Magazine division.

John Bellando and Richard Beckman, two key members of the Cond Nast executive team, continue in their respective roles as Chief Operating Officer, Cond Nast Publications and President, Cond Nast Media Group.

There are two additional new appointments at Cond Nast Publications: Debi Chirichella will become the company s Chief Financial Officer, having been Cond Nast s Senior Vice President, Finance; and Bob Sauerberg will become Executive Vice President, Consumer Marketing. Bob has been Chief Operating Officer of Fairchild Publications.

This move formalizes a relationship that has naturally evolved over the past few years, beginning with the formation of the Advance Magazine Group and the creation of centralized shared services.

Operating as one company, Cond Nast Publications, will simplify our presence, create further broad-based economies for us, and position the company for future growth opportunities.

As a result of our continued expansion, we have outgrown our New York based facilities at 4 Times Square and 7 West 34th Street. Cond Nast Publications will operate four office facilities in Manhattan, as well as the Shared Services facility in Wilmington, Delaware, and our other editorial and sales offices in the U.S.

The four Manhattan locations will be 750 Third Avenue, 1166 Sixth Avenue, 1440 Broadway and 4 Times Square.

This represents a major organizational step forward for us. I welcome Mary, Mitch, Debi and Bob to their new positions and I look forward to leading our continuing success as one company.