• The Daily Show's Rob Corddry, Letterman's Eddie Brill, and various other funny people take the stage at Mo Pitkins' tonight for a Katrina Benefit. Any leftover money will be sent to Texas to swell the coffers of the Hurricane Rita relief effort George Bush will inevitably bungle. [Upcoming]
Found Magazine editor Davy Rothbart gives fiction a go at Galapagos tonight, where he reads from his new collection of stories. His brother, Peter, performs little ditties (Flavorpill s words, not ours) as he reads sure to provide enough fodder for semi-ironic musings on Williamsboard the next day. [flavorpill]
• Jen Bekman s Public Discourse, an in-depth study of illegal installation art, screens at the Pioneer Theater tonight. Everything you ever wanted to know about advertising manipulation, metal welding, guerrilla art, and more. [Two Boots]