We reported yesterday on media-business news site PaidContent.org, which threw a little (admittedly justified) tantrum that The Wall Street Journal had repeated a scoop it broke without duly crediting the site. So we must point out today that the Journal has corrected its coverage. Reports PaidContent:

It took the better part of a day but the Wall Street Journal has issued a correction and amended the story that made it seem as though the paper, not this site, broke the news that Viacom may be on the verge of acquiring iFilm. Unlike the Journal's follow on MSN-AOL last week, which credited the New York Post with breaking that news, the brief online-only story by an unidentified reporter published last night ignored the fact that the news appeared first on paidContent.org nearly 24 hours earlier.

"The better part of the day"? My, we're whiny today, aren't we?

WSJ Correction Acknowledges PaidContent.org's Report [PaidContent]
Earlier: You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Ganks You