Look at the Look Book, Live

We can't say we've really getten too excited for New York magazine's current, changing-every-day ad campaign, even despite daily emails from the best mag publicists in the business letting us know about the each day's new elements. (Campaign stickers on election day! Woo-hoo!)
But today's installment has us quivering with excitement.
Remember Bobby Vita? The Look Booker we called "the most fantastic man on the street since Brooklyn hipsters donned their diapers"? An electrical contractor from Astoria, Mr. V., as we wrote back in May, "likes rear-entry pornos and expressing his feelings with all sorts of women; and while his track suit may say Puma, Bobby knows it's really Armani in disguise."
And here's your chance to meet him in person. Courtesy of the mag, Bobby will be at the Columbus Circle subway stop, at the entrance at 58th Street and 8th Avenue, signing 8-by-10 glossies of his Look Book photo from 4:30 to 6 p.m. He'll be wearing his "Armani" tracksuit, and New York guarantees inappropriate comments and way too much hair gel.
Never before have we found that combination enticing. Today we kinda do.