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The LAT went party-hopping after the Emmys, soaking up the celebratory atmosphere, and gathering quotes from a variety of television stars self-consciously defending their consignment to Hollywood's small-screen ghetto. (Don Johnson: "More and more people get their information and entertainment from TV...Film has become a boutique business.") Yes, yes, we get it, you're all absolutely thrilled that you're not movie stars, but WHAT ABOUT THE CHOCOLATE ROOM? It seems like the Roosevelt might've been biting some of the Mondrian's style:

Inside at the Mondrian Hotel, the dark, musky scent of chocolate all but wiped out perfumes and colognes, leading revelers by their noses to the Godiva room. Truffles were everywhere, hundreds of them, glued to the walls in circles and swirls like something out of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." [...]

At the Roosevelt Hotel, the TV Guide/Inside TV bash was in full swing, by far the most attended and anticipated party of the night. Anything at the Roosevelt these days is a sought-out invitation, but it helped that Missy Elliott was rocking the house...Afterward, the younger set danced inside to hip-hop and oldies near yet another decadent chocolate oasis — this one sponsored by Dove. The color scheme was chocolate brown and orange with white flourishes to match the renovated hotel's class and glamour.

With so many members of the media around, the Roosevelt opted to go with a copycat chocolate motif instead of their original plans for a room with a mirrored floor, vast drifts of white powder, and giant credit cards.