NYU Students: They're Not All Listening to "The Strokes" and Wearing Their "Trucker Hats"

The life of the NYU student is not entirely wine, roses, and speedballs:
It seems like NYU has become the city media's whipping boy, where we are cast as scowling rich kids who walk down the street listening to Interpol on our iPods and shop at Mary-Kate's garage sales. It's certainly trendy to see us all as tragically hip, over-indulged drug addicts. But even if a small fraction of us are, there's no way it's true for everyone.
We members of the city media wish to rectify this immediately, and, to be the first to extend the olive branch, we'd like acknowledge that it is, indeed, untrue that NYU students are "tragically hip." If they were, after all, they'd know that no one listens to Interpol anymore. Missed you at the Wolf Parade show, guys.