Remainders: Paris Hilton's Sidekick Hacker Sentenced to Life Without 'House of Wax'

• Paris Hilton sleeps a little more soundly at night knowing that a teen has been sentenced for the hacking of her Sidekick. And so the infotainment industry exhales and Senator Durbin gets his much-needed closure. [eWEEK]
• Beyoncé pulls a David Pogue on Jay-Z. [Cityrag]
• NYC ranks as the most expensive rental market in America. We're number one! Thank you, Barbara CorcoDevil! [Forbes]
• Renée Zellwegger cites "fraud" as the reason behind her split from country singer Kenny Chesney. Huh? Did he trick her into thinking he loved her or something? [A Socialite's Life]
• Who can ever recall the name of Brooklyn's hip new band? [McSweeney's]
• Jonathan Safran Foer and Elijah Wood are extremely precocious and incredibly similar. [Radar]
• None too surprisingly, some of Fashion Week's best is far from the tents. [VV]