Trade Round-Up: Emma Roberts Is Julia Roberts' Niece, Will Also Play Nancy Drew
· In addition to the seemingly endless (but helpful) parade of telethons and corporate matching gift programs for hurricane relief, Hollywood is getting "creative" in its charitable efforts to ease people's pain, such as building and/or refurbishing a variety of structures to house the displaced. The entertainment industry: not always as evil as it's cracked up to be. [Variety]
· Emma Roberts, daughter-of-Eric-and-niece-of-Julia, kicks off in earnest a life of explaining that her acting career has nothing to do with her bloodlines by being cast as the big-screen Nancy Drew. Potentially making matters worse is that Nancy Drew: The Mystery in Hollywood Hills will be set in the "fast-living, self-indulgent world of Hollywood." [THR]
· HBO picks up Rome for a second 12 episode season, but in true HBO fashion, the series won't air again until 2007. That's a long time until we get to see Polly Walker getting freaky two or three times an episode. But we'll wait. [Variety]
· Fox Searchlight picks up Bart "Mr. Julianne Moore" Freundlich's Trust the Man for $6 to $7 million at Toronto, seemingly without being threatened with "handshake court" by Paramount Classics. [THR]
· Universal and Mountain Dew Films will partner on the snowboarding documentary First Descent. Someone please burn down Hollywood before Paramount hooks up with Fanta. [Variety]