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The latest phase of the Katrina-aftermath story has been New Orleans officials' attempts to evacuate the entire city and some residents' resistance to the plan. Officials are concerned that people who remain in the city are at risk for infections, lack food and water, and could be targets in the somewhat lawless city. But one person who won't leave has found a good way to deal with that last problem, reports the Times:

Some holdouts seem intent on keeping alive the distinct and wild spirit of this city. In the French Quarter, Addie Hall and Zackery Bowen found a unusual way to make sure that police officers regularly patrolled their house. Ms. Hall, 28, a bartender, flashed her breasts at the police vehicles that passed by, ensuring a regular flow of traffic.

Yup, that's the paper of record, folks.

Holdouts on Dry Ground Say, Why Leave Now? [NYT]