The TLC, Still Working for You
Yet one more advantage of living in our subway-riding city is a blissful ignorance of how fucking expensive gasoline has become. (Gas stations on the LIE and Garden State Parkway provided rude shocks on Labor Day weekend.)
These high prices are particularly tough on New York's cabbies, who aren't taking in any more money while they're shelling out much, much more for fuel. So the Taxi and Limousine Commission is today considering two measures that might ease their plight — one so unlikely to pass that it's not even scheduled to be voted upon — is a $1 or $2 fuel surcharge per ride. The other — which is actually up for a vote, which is likely to be successful — would certify six models of hybrid vehicles as acceptable for the city's taxicab fleet.
That's a brilliant idea, hybrid taxicabs. Why didn't anyone think of this before? Oh. Nevermind.
TLC Expected to Approve Hybrid Cabs [Newsday]
Earlier: Your Taxi & Limousine Commission at Work