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· In probably the strangest hurricane relief idea we've seen, journalist Mark Ebner has pledged to legally change his name to "Ron Bon Jovi" if he receives a valid $100K bid in his eBay auction. (Admittedly, going with "Rico Torres" probably wouldn't bring as many bids.) The proceeds from the potential name change will go to the Red Cross. By comparison, Kathy Griffin's charity auction of a night out in Vegas seems a lot less interesting—and you have to hang out with her.
· Goldenfiddle recounts Jared Leto's less than moving tribute to Katrina victims on last night's Conan O'Brien. Also, the blog's not a fan of 30 Seconds to Mars's brand of "LA neo-garbage" rock.
· In an effort to meet their quota for casting ex-Happy Days stars, the folks at Arrested Development have filled the spot left by Fonzie's departure with Chachi.
· With Bob Denver's passing, finally the truth can come out: He preferred Mary Ann to Ginger. Also, he didn't love it when fans swatted him with their hats, no matter how hilarious it was when the Skipper did it.