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We are indeed aware, as several of you pointed out today, that California's assembly yesterday passed a bill allowing for gay marriage, leaving only Gov. Arnold's signature as the final step remaining to the fulfillment of Gavin Newsom's fondest dreams. (We understand some gay and lesbian couples might be pleased with the news, too.) We are further aware, as you also pointed out, that we have not commented upon this development.

There are two reasons for this thus-far non-comment. First, we just didn't really have any joke to make about it. And, second, we're finding it hard to get worked up about these things anymore.

Why can't we get excited?

Well, it was thrilling when Newsom, the San Francisco mayor, started performing gay marriages last year; it was crushing when the California Supreme Court voided them. It was exciting when Jason West, Newsom's (much cuter, though equally straight) New Paltz, N.Y., counterpart did likewise; it was heartbreaking when a state judge enjoined him from perform any others. It was good news when another New York judge struck down our state's ban on gay marriages; it was disappointing — but not, by this point, surprising — when Mayor Bloomberg announced that despite his own alleged support for gay marriage he'd appeal that decision.

Now that California's legislature has legalized gay marriage, Schwarzenegger is being noncommittal on whether he'll sign the bill. (The measure passed by bare margins in both legislative houses, so a veto could not be overturned.) Like Bloomberg, who attempted to have it both ways by allegedly personally support gay marriage while having the city's attorneys fight it, Arnold is says he supports gay right but believes gay marriage is a decision for the courts, not the legislature. (Yes, you're remembering correctly that the GOP criticism of Massachusetts's gay-marriage rights is that they were granted by unelected judges, not by the elected legislature. Consistency is not their strong suit.)

If Arnold decides to sign the bill, and if it's not immediately suspended because of a lawsuit or something, then, we promise, we'll be waving the rainbow flag along with y'all. But, until then, we'll save our energy for other things.

Like ogling Anderson Cooper.

Same-Sex Marriage Wins Vote in California [NYT]
Golden State Blesses Gay Marriage [Wonkette]
Earlier: Anderson Cooper, Black and White and Read All Over