• Because we'll be damned if some little hurricane is going to keep us from our self-absorbed, fashionable pursuits, tonight is the launch of Creative Atelier, a three-week performance exhibition in which designers compete with a limited amount of materials, like Project Runway but with a live audience. Because you've always wanted front-row seats at a sweatshop. [flavorpill]
• Join all the other odd, obsessive types and check out prolific novelist Tom Robbins' foray into poetry. He reads tonight from his new collection, Wild Ducks Flying Backwards. You didn't expect it to have a normal title, did you? [Paper]
• Round up all of your 16-year-old friends and hit Irving Plaza to check out Idlewild's brand of Scottish indie pop, then patiently wait for their inevitable appearance on The O.C. [Oh My Rockness]