An Embedded Reporter on the Moby Real-Estate Beat

Our first reaction on flipping to "Intelligencer" in this week's New York was to be a little sad that technobaldy and LES fixture Moby is leaving that neighborhood for the moneyed preserves of Central Park West. (One little fatal stabbing in front of his teashop, and there he goes from the neighborhood!) We were then stopped for a second by the odd description of his new pad, which features two terraces "with 360-degree views stretching from the George Washington Bridge to JFK," a span that strikes us as more of a 120-degree view. (Isn't the whole point of a 360-degree view that it stretches from GWB to GWB or from JFK to JFK?) But what finally, really hung us up was the byline: The item was written by on-leave New York gossipeuse Deborah Schoeneman, who is currently away from the magazine, working on her first novel, in seclusion upstate — at Moby's house.
Small world.