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Our man in Boston — OK, fine, we're not that monogamous: one of our men in Boston — sends in this dispatch from the shock-jock front, which we suspect has the added virtue of actually being true:

Radio producer Tom Somach recently attended his 25th college reunion at Boston University's College of Communication and noticed the school now has a "Wall of Fame" honoring its most famous alumni in media. Large color photos of the honorees are displayed and include such notables as Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times reporter Don van Natta Jr., Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, former ABC executive and current E! Channel boss Ted Harbert, and CNN reporter Gary Tuchman. But conspicuously absent was any mention of arguably the school's most famous media alum — shock jock Howard Stern, Class of '76. "BU is embarassed by any public connection to Stern," Somach said. "They won't even acknowledge his existence."

Whereas the journalism successes of E! are clearly something to brag about.

(And you assumed we were going to go for the Bill O'Reilly joke. Ha.)

College of Communications []