• William Eggleston, Flavorpill says, is often called the "father of color photography" — famous for his ability to "capture the photogenically tragic moments of the American South." We assume the documentary William Eggleston in the Real World isn't his paean to idiot whore Trishelle, but we can always hope. [flavorpill]
• In tonight's installment of How to Kick People, titled "Missed Connections," two Jons (Friedman and Ames), a Jesse (Hartman) and an Ophira (Eisenberg) ruminate on, well, we're not quite sure. But it's sure to be funny and witty and clever and other assorted glowing adjectives. [HtKP]
• The 1954 film Salt of the Earth is the only blacklisted film ever in American film history. It's tale of mine workers on strike is sure to warm the cockles of your pinko heart. [Paper]