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You know you're really behind in your reading when even a few months in prison won't leave you enough time to catch up. We learn of this bibliocrisis from a memo sent yesterday to the Times staff.

To the Newsroom:

Thanks to all of you, so many books were sent packing to Judy Miller — care of the law firm of Cahill, Gordon and Reindel — that the shelves of the prison library in Alexandria are now bursting with new paperbacks. So many books, in fact, that the good folks at Cahill Gordon say, enough.

So if you were planning to send another stack to Judy, we suggest you donate the books to your public library instead. Or hang onto the paperbacks for the 2006 Neediest Book Sale. One way or other, the books will be put to good use.

Bill Schmidt

So what to do now if you're looking for a way to demonstrate your support for Miller? There's only one thing we can think of: Hello, Mediterranean!

The New York Times []