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We've long heralded Craigslist as a an invaluable tool for all kinds of Hollywood professionals, from those looking for some help in the casting process to those seeking an assist from the kind of discreet go-getters that can only be contacted through an anonymous personal ad. CL once again amazes with its seemingly neverending utility, this time greasing the wheels of the arduous indie film location scouting process:

Need locations for HOT LESBIAN movies
I am trying to land a contract with a company for shooting a series of lipstick lesbian movies. I work with no crew. The only crew is me and the make up girl so you don't have lots of people in your house/office/boat or whatever other type of location you have. These girls are HOT HOT HOT I already have the contract with this company to shoot other types of movies. If I get the this contract also then I we can talk about paying you for future scenes shot in your location. But for at least the first scene I am paying out of my own pocket to shoot it so I need as much help on your end as I can get. Perhaps you won't mind hot girls doing lesbian scenes in your location. Just sit back and watch or even help out in the shoot if you wish. We need a location NOW so email today for consideration.

We really only need one large room and then of course the girls might want to shower off afterwards.

email me today and I will get back to you ASAP

We recommend that anyone interested in befriending these ambitious guerilla filmmakers answer quickly. At any given moment, there are thousands of shower-equipped studio apartments waiting to be utilized by people with a shared love of cinema.