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Katrina has devastated Louisiana and Mississippi. It caused havoc in Florida. It's crippling U.S. oil production. It is a disaster in every way, of course, and we respect its awesome power and feel for those living through it. We also thank God that, while our city has its endemic threats — terrorism risks and newfound edginess and the Post — at least we do not get horrific hurricanes. Today, however, we learn from Newsday that even if we were to get such hurricanes, which we won't, the city is prepared with a plan to evacuate us all into hurricane shelters.

We don't quite see how that's possible — come Friday, they won't be able to get a few hundred thousand of us out to the East End in less than three hours, so we don't see how they can possible evacuate eight million of us in a prompt manner — but we're glad to hear there's a plan.

Officials: NYC Prepared for Potential Hurricane [Newsday]