Breaking News: J-Student Breaks News

We're typically like Uncle Leo, ready and even eager to find anti-Semitism anywhere. But, still, we just can't get ourselves worked up about a scoop in this morning's Post, that Bronx Democratic chief Jose Rivera charged that Assembly speaker Shelly Silver made a deal with Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz because "blood [was] taking care of blood." See, Rivera meant that as a compliment. "I learn from 'em," Rivera also said. "God bless 'em, you know what I mean. What's good for them is good for me and my people."
So why are we even mentioning this? Because it turns out the story wasn't broken by the Post. Rivera actually made these comments to Columbia Journalism School student Lani Perlman, who reported them in her pithily titled thesis, "Sleeping Giants No Longer: Puerto Rican Politicians in the Bronx Have Come into Their Own."
And a j-schooler actually breaking real news? That's the lede here, folks.