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· "Yet again, a tabloid has been caught lying.Thankfully the judicial process worked, but how many cases like this will it take before these tabloids feel obligated to print the truth? Have they no shame?" God, it's so hot when a publicist gets indignant!
· The strangest, saddest story we've heard in a while takes a turn towards the stranger and sadder. Dying from suffocation underneath a heart attack victim is something out of the first two minutes of a Six Feet Under episode.
· On his 50th birthday, breakout Project Greenlight director John Gulager will suddenly and mysteriously find himself drawn to badly written science fiction and nautical attire.
· FilmStew puts on the tinfoil helmet, smelling something fishy in Steve Coogan's denial of the rumor that he knocked up Courtney Love.
· Don't fuck with Jack White, for he will not hesitate to publicly humiliate you.