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A couple of weeks ago, we directed your ire towards a remarkable article about the high-class, shiny life of Times and Peruvian first daughter Alex Kuczynski. The pieces on Kuczynski's charmed existence have struck a chord, as a reader writes:

After reading about Alex Kuczynski's sybaritic multimillion-dollar lifestyle, I flashed back to March 21, 1995, when young Alex and I were both participants in a proto-hipsterish spelling bee for mid-level journalists that had been set up by a mutual friend who was an up-and-coming man about town at the time. I stood next to Alex in the contest and joked that her name was probably the hardest thing we'd spell all night. She was mildly amused. I got knocked out by "sacrilegious." She lasted longer.

Ten years later she's wiping her ass with $100 bills while I find myself running to D'agostino whenever I hear Chicken of the Sea is on sale. It's enough to make a guy wonder about life.

Isn't it funny how fate makes you want to bludgeon yourself to death with a dictionary?

[Image via NY Social Diary]