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Robert De Niro's housekeeper has admitted that she stole from the actor and his wife, but in protest—not over De Niro's recent, disastrous career choices (we'd happily lift his Rolex if it helped him pass on Showtime 2), but because of the poor treatment she received, as her more respectful employers went unburgled:

[Lucyna] Turyk-Wawrynowicz, 35, pleaded not guilty last month to charges including grand larceny and criminal possession of stolen property. An indictment has identified the theft victims as De Niro's wife, Grace Hightower, as well as Candice Bergen and Renee Rockefeller.

"I didn't steal from Isabella Rossellini because she treated me well. I only stole from people who didn't treat me with respect," Turyk-Wawrynowicz said, according to the court documents.

Pay attention, Hollywood, for it's not often you'll open yourself up long enough to be taught an important life lesson by the help. The next time you think that your silverware drawer or jewelry box feels a little lighter than it did before the maid tidied up, first turn that blame inward. Instead of loudly threatening to call the INS (again), apologize for the time you scorched her with a curling iron for accidentally losing one of your favorite socks.