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You have to hand it to those little troopers at CBS News. After a year filled with what we'll delicately call, uh, crap, they're doing their best to make a precious little bounce back towards respectibility. How, you might ask, can CBS win back its audience? Why, with the internet, of course.

CBS News Correspondent Jim Axelrod is on the road right now, documenting the high gas prices from coast-to-coast. Naturally, he's keeping a daily road diary on the web. An excerpt:

As for four guys caravanning across country, (not one willing to stop and ask for directions) so far, so good. Of course, it's only been a couple hours. We're listening to a group called "The Killers", in a bow to Mike's taste (he's ten years younger — my taste runs more to Bobby Darin and James Taylor but my American Express card has expired and I'm reliant on Mike for cash — so "The Killers" it is).

Wait a second — an online, "daily diary" that mentions The Killers sure sounds familiar to us. No, it couldn't be... But it's true, CBS just started a blog. And the house that Moonves built thus burned to the ground.

Road Trip Report Day 1 [CBS]