Gawker Hotties: Why You Love the Men of 'Radar'

Our heart — yes, we do have one, thank you — is breaking for Radar's poor Andrew Goldman. He had lots of fans in the nominations phase of this week's Gawker Hotties competition, and he pulled off a pastel seersucker suit with surprising lan at Yankee Stadium for the new issue. And yet in current standings he's behind even Mort Zuckerman. So by passing along this week's batch of testimonials, hopefully you'll be inspired to help the man out.
Of course, the Zuckster had a surprising level of nominationary enthusiasm himself. As one reader commented, "I like 'em filthy rich, well-groomed, and livin on the Upper East Side. Mort Zuckerman."
But we've got to hand it to Maer, who elicited the most intriguing compliment we've heard yet. "Totally Maer — he's a sexy charmer," wrote a fan. "He's like the Choire Sicha of print media."
We tend to think of Choire as the Choire Sicha of print media, but, still, we dig the concept. Indeed, now we're hoping that someday we'll be dubbed the Choire of the web.
Ah, to dream.
All the testimonials — including from a gentleman who'd like Christopher Tennant to "suck on my recessed filter" — after the jump.
Earlier: Gawker Hotties: Pick Your Man of 'Radar' [Go here to vote.]
"Chris Tennant. He isn t gonna be a metrosexual for long. If he were an automobile, he'd definitely be a convertible. Hehehehehehe."
"Mort Zuckerman — lisps are sexy."
"Not only is Chris Tennant the only member of the Radar staff without a trademark Zuckerbelly, but he just oozes cufflinked sensuality. From the 1950s Vitalis hair tonic to ubiquitous Parliaments to the hipster blazer-with-jeans combo, he makes my toes curl. He can suck on my recessed filter any day."
"I would like to nominate Andrew Goldman, editor at large. Anyone who wears a mesh shirt to a Jewish speed-dating event and a sequined cape to a leather bar in Chelsea for readers' amusement deserves not only the highest respect, but also the title of hottest man at Radar."
"My vote goes to the Mort guy. At least his name's Mort."
"Andrew Goldman! Have you seen the International Male photo layout in this month's issue? Case closed. By the way, he's also straight — he's like the Alan Colmes of Radar. Pick the picture where he's wearing a cape. Grrrrrrr..."
"OK, I'll nominate Maer, if you still need it. He's the friend of a friend of a friend."
"If Mort Zuckerman is good enough for Patricia Duff, he's good enough for me."
"Maer maer maer maer maer maer maer."
"Christopher Tennant. So cool, yet so hot."
"Hands down, Maer is the hottest thing at Radar. You may be too young to remember, but when Maer first appeared on the scene almost 20 years ago, he was one of the three or four best looking boys in Manhattan. The pics are around to prove it. He's still handsome, but it's his brains, sense of humor, and drive that make Maer so especially appealing."