• New York expats and current "Sixth Borough" residents Enon make the seventy-five minute trek back to New York to play Mercury Lounge tonight. Hope it's worth it just for the "cheaper" rent. [flavorpill]
• Sufjan Stevens brings his pretty little self to Bowery Ballroom tonight to play some of his pretty little music. [Upcoming]
• Six years ago, says Flavorpill, Minnesota's Hocky Night were rap-punk. Now they sound like Pavement. Check out the transformation yourself tonight at Mercury Lounge, where they play with the Jim Yoshii Pile-Up and Hopewell. [flavorpill]
• Sometimes, the exact words of a press release are more effective than our editorializing. This is one of those times: "In a world full of apathy and low expectations, two northeast artists — MCA and Magmo — descend upon New York through billowy clouds of fire to tear the city apart. ...There will be enough granite to crush the skulls of 20 men, an army of trash-filled dolls, ear-bleeding noise beats, and rays upon rays of eye-dazzling projections." There's only one plausible explanation for this: the rouge batch of fucked-up heroin has reached a far-wider audience than previously believed. 7:00pm, Orchard Street Art Gallery (139 Orchard Street).
• We just like the picture. [Upcoming]