There's only one thing we love more than bitchy journalists, and it's bitchy journalists bitching at one another. Take, for example, this dialogue between investigative reporter Murray Waas and Vanity Fair thinktank Michael Wolff, regarding Valerie Plame, Karl Rove, Judith Miller and all other brouhahas worthy of a "-gate" suffix:

WAAS: When you say the media didn't report this, let's look at the track record of Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair is coming into this ballgame pretty late, aren't they? I mean, how long has this story been around, and when did Vanity Fair come to it? You're criticizing—
WOLFF: Well, it's not Vanity Fair. When did I come to it? I came to it last month. I came to it when I come to it. We're a monthly magazine.
WAAS: Okay, it's a monthly magazine that has celebrities on the cover.
WOLFF: I don't have any patience for this...
WAAS: You said a few minutes ago that you had no patience to talk about your own magazine. Now, your own magazine did not —
WOLFF: No, no. I had no patience with your celebrity blah blah, your lefty crapola.

Wolff then removed his microphone and waddled out, a la Novak. Or so we'd like to imagine, anyhow.

Media Culpa [MediaChannel via Romenesko]